James B. Martini

Gentleman Spy : B-Boy : Rebel Scum

Location: New York City

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Exciting new graphic novel

I've begun work on a new project that's something of a departure from the usual espionage, hiphop, politics and the like. Inspired by a new relative, I've cooked up a character-driven superhero epic that I'd now like to introduce to the world - HypnoBaby!

The next 300? Who knows...?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hey tigers - fuck you! Ha ha!

I can't decide which was the cheekiest move, the slap on the head or the grab of the tail. Larks!

Literary gems

I have a couple of shout-outs to make to two very good friends who both had books published in the same week. Truly an alignment of stars of some kind. Mad props to people I love who don't dream it, they be it.

Stuart Clark, a classmate at the Jedi Academy, father of the cutest baby on the East Coast, and a diamond geezer of the very highest carat, is now a not-quite-so-struggling-as-he-was sci-fi author. Go get a copy of Project U.L.F. If you dig alien shit, you'll be sweet.

Theresa MacPhail, real-life Bond girl and Chinese-speaking medical anthropologist, has craftily tapped into the bird flu terror and written a timely international thriller titled Eye Of The Virus. I've ordered it but not read it, but if there's a character in any way based on yours truly she'll have more than some chicken with a cough to worry about. (Kisses, Tez!)

Henry Waxman - Accountabilininja

I know I made a wee bit of fun at Rep Waxman's expense for his resemblance to Edward and Tubbs, but I am now in awe. This son of Justice is thrusting a flaming sword through the crawling crust surrounding the B*sh destructoids. There's a small profile of him here, since then he's been all over corruption in Iraq - that 363-tonne $4billion in cash sent over there and lost? He nailed that - and the Walter Reed hospital scandal, he's punked out Condi Rice for ignoring his information requests, and today he had Valerie Wilson/Plame finally give her side of the CIA leak story. Digby has more from today's hearing's here. And now he's getting stuck into the US attorney purge affair, which just gets freakier by the day.

G'on my sahn!!! Bring tha noize!!