I've been meaning to mention that I saw
V for Vendetta last week, a couple of months after reading the graphic novel.
Capsule review: See it, it's definitely worth it.
Elaborations: Twenty years after it was written it needed some updating if it was going to make a relevant film - and whatever can, has and will be said about
V for Vendetta, it is certainly relevant.

I was prompted to mention it just now because I was watching some arsebobblehead on CNN talking about B*sh and involuntarily I spoke the word "bollocks" out loud. This happens at least once in the film, and the sweary itself is something of a leitmotif throughout. The Wachowskis' rendering of Britain in 2020 is pretty laughable - in a good way, that is it made me laugh, not scoff - but they completely nail the "bollocks". Well done, lads.

This promo picture on the left here is very scoffable, however. But then what do you know, the same commercial realities also give us Ms Portman in a state of nekkid repose.

All these pics from google images. If it turns out the last one is a fake, well, bollocks.
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