The old blogging mojo went on a haitus last week - somehow the news was too wretched to take the mickey out of, and I've been decompressing from the Brazil mission so New York is more familiar than weird at the mo. But tonight I saw "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby", Will Ferrel's NASCAR piss-take, and felt that blogging tickle again. Ferrel has been making me laugh so long that it's practically a reflex action now, but another major treat is Sacha Baron Cohen (aka Ali G aka Borat) as a French driver transplanted from "Formula
ungh", who drinks short coffees and reads Camus - yes,
L'Etranger serendipitously enough (see post below) - while racing, is sponsored by Perrier, and delivers lines like "My husband Gregory and I want what any couple wants. To retire to Stockholm and develop a currency for dogs and cats to use". Sheer class.
Hope to get to "Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane" soon too...
Glad to see a new post!
Have a great weekend!
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