Seductive the power of the Pink Side is...
It's been a while since my last Hello Kitty update. I spoke with Agent Yukako of the feared Toyama-Owens Clan tonight, and as ever was inspired to put up a couple of the latest nonsensical editions to the HK canon. We begin with a video game that never got made, one of a batch of gems including "GTA Saskatchewan" and "Super Mario Bloodlust".

Next up is this fine Kitty vs Vader mashup spotted at BoingBoing.

Which offers a smooth segue into this video of "Darth Vader being a smartass" plucked from the youtubeinterwebmassive and delivered to Martini HQ by Agent 'Bredren' Boris. Nothing to do with the Pink One, but this editing is pretty cute too.

Next up is this fine Kitty vs Vader mashup spotted at BoingBoing.

Which offers a smooth segue into this video of "Darth Vader being a smartass" plucked from the youtubeinterwebmassive and delivered to Martini HQ by Agent 'Bredren' Boris. Nothing to do with the Pink One, but this editing is pretty cute too.
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