Bobueeeeeno! Brazil's football commentator that everyone loves to hate. I've only been here a week and even I recognised the weeble-doll below. Every country has (at least) one such character, but not all of them sell special effigies that you can smack around while watching them on TV. Sounds like an untapped market to me...

My Portuguese is getting better too: I was able to translate the phrases on the doll all by my lil ole self. They say "For your entertainment, hit him with passion!" and "Relieve your tension while watching the Cup!" Actually, in fairness, Portuguese is the kind of language that makes one feel a bit smarter for comprehending it than might be entirely justified. But you can`t say that about many languages, so I`ll take it.

My Portuguese is getting better too: I was able to translate the phrases on the doll all by my lil ole self. They say "For your entertainment, hit him with passion!" and "Relieve your tension while watching the Cup!" Actually, in fairness, Portuguese is the kind of language that makes one feel a bit smarter for comprehending it than might be entirely justified. But you can`t say that about many languages, so I`ll take it.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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