'kin 'ell. I'm just back from perhaps the meatiest meal I've ever eaten. We had dinner at a vast churrasco (bar-b-que) restaurant, where waiters come around with every kind of flesh imaginable on skewers and just drop slices on your plate. I tried at least three different kinds of beef, pork and lamb, and you could taste all of it (unlike most American meats these days). All served up with fried yukka roots, the local beer and yet more caipirinhas. I think tomorrow has to be an exclusive veggie and weird fruit day.

Mr Martini, what a fab website. Had no idea what you got up to, outside of Casino Royale. You're saved onto my favourites so your escapades with Jaws on Sugar Mountain will not go unnoticed. Fingers crossed for saturday so that it'll lead to you seeing from live in the field, how Brazil loose to the English pirates. Laters fella, Alzinho.
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