One man's weekend, with sound fx
Not mine. But yesterday as I was waiting to cross Canal Street, I overheard the following from a 6'7" gentleman speaking into his cordless cell mic:
"No way man, I'm all the way downtown, and I ain't taking my ass to Brooklyn. I'm goin' straight up to the Bronx, gonna have a hot bath, an ice cold beer, and on DVD I got Kill Bill volume one *and* two. Nigga, you won't see me 'till Sunday ... *eve*ning!"
There is a mildly amusing site with more like this called Overheard in New York, but the above is a jbmartini exclusive.
It also reminded me of this highly amusing Kill Bill mashup: the Gogo Yubari fight scene with Super Mario Bros sound effects.
I've been rocking white and black Onitsuka Tiger trainers in capoeira, partially as a result of one particular low-angle shot of Uma's kicks from this video. They are shweeeeet.
That product placement shit works, yo.
"No way man, I'm all the way downtown, and I ain't taking my ass to Brooklyn. I'm goin' straight up to the Bronx, gonna have a hot bath, an ice cold beer, and on DVD I got Kill Bill volume one *and* two. Nigga, you won't see me 'till Sunday ... *eve*ning!"
There is a mildly amusing site with more like this called Overheard in New York, but the above is a jbmartini exclusive.
It also reminded me of this highly amusing Kill Bill mashup: the Gogo Yubari fight scene with Super Mario Bros sound effects.

That product placement shit works, yo.
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